2/15/2017 1 Comment Casting: An unCONVENTional ApproachIt sounds like the title of a how-to book, but did you see what I did? I uppercased Convent because the characters are nuns!
Once I had Jake in place to play the lead villain, I needed other henchmen (hench-nuns?) to support him. The first was my friend Matt as Captain Sudden. Matt and I had been friends since middle school. He was almost always dependable. I say almost always because he forgot to show up once for his scene and I ended up filming a double from the back for the entire thing. Now that you know this, you will look for it, but normally it would not be too noticeable. Matt was a lot of fun to work with and he kept things light. Today, he still lives in my area. For a female nun character (a female nun--go figure), I wanted someone that would contrast with the other female lead (blonde hair and blue eyes). For this, I turned to my friend Kalee. She has dark hair and dark eyes. However, in order to cast her, it was a package deal, so her two younger brothers got to play servants. Kalee seemed to have a lot of fun--at least I hope she did and she was enjoyable to work with. Today, Kalee has her own chef business. Please check it out! For a final "named" nun character, I wanted an imposing figure. Greg is my oldest friend--I don't mean he's old--we met in Preschool when we were both 3 years old. He moved away in second grade and, in a miracle return, moved back sophomore year of high school. Greg is very tall. He was perfect for Baghead. In order to play Baghead he wore a paper bag on his head, hence the name. Greg and I had a blast working together. The most difficult part for him was seeing through the eye holes in the paper bag. Today, he works for an aviation company in my area. Next time, I will talk about casting other roles! To Be Continued...
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